------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DojoX File Uploader Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Mike Wilcox (AnM8tR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demo description Demonstrates Dojo's multi-file uploader, using a SWF created with the Deft project. Uploader is degradable for users without the correct Flash version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: dojox.form.FileUploader dijit.form.Button dojox.embed.Flash dojo.io.iframe dojox.html.styles The latest Flash Plugin (at least 9.0) PHP5 / with GD2 writable UploadedFiles/ folder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Simply run the included demo.html To build, use the supplied demo.profile.js as your profileFile, or run the included buildDemo.sh -- which [should] create an archive called uploaderDemo.tar.gz that you [should] be able to drop on any webserver and view (only optimized, instead) If the demo stalls on the loader, your UploadedFiles/ folder probably isn't writable by your webserver. Check the logs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------