------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DojoX Flash Video Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Mike Wilcox (AnM8tR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demo description Demonstrates DojoX's video component, using a SWF created with the Deft project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: dojox.av.FLVideo dijit.form.Button dijit.form.Slider dojo.dnd.Source The FLV videos in the media folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Simply run the included demo.html To build, use the supplied demo.profile.js as your profileFile, or run the included buildDemo.sh -- which [should] create an archive called videoDemo.tar.gz that you [should] be able to drop on any webserver and view (only optimized, instead) If there are video errors (Stream Not Found), check that your server handles the FLV mime type. Also be sure that the media is accessible by the web ACL (aka, permissions are set). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------