------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DojoX Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 Release date: 03/18/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: production ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project authors Jared Jurkiewicz (jared.jurkiewicz@gmail.com) (FileStore, HtmlStore, XmlStore, FlickrStore, CssRuleStore, CssClassStore, others). Shane O'Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com) (FlickrRestStore, AtomReadStore, GoogleSeachStore, GoogleFeedStore) Wolfram Kriesing (wolfram@kriesing.de) (QueryReadStore) Dustin Machi (dmachi@dojotolkit.org) (jsonPathStore); Russell Jones (KeyValueStore) (CLA) Benjamin Schell (KeyValueStore, CssRuleStore, CssClassStore) (Corporate CLA) Kurt Stutsman (kurt@snaplogic.org) (SnapLogicStore) Kris Zyp (kzyp@dojotoolkit.org) (JsonRestStore, PersevereStore, S3JsonRestStore, CouchDBRestStore) Frank Fortson (frank.fortson@equorum.com) (AndOrReadStore, AndOrWriteStore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description The DojoX Data project is a container for extensions and extra example stores that implement the dojo.data APIs. It may also contain utility functions for working with specific types of data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: DojoX Data has dependencies on core dojo (dojo.data) and the D.O.H. unit test framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: See the Dojo API tool (http://dojotoolkit.org/api) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributions: For contributions to be committed into the dojox repository, the datastore should have basic unit tests that exercise the API's that the store declares it implements. Documentation and demos are a plus, but unit tests are required to be committed into this sub-package. This is necessary to help keep the provided datastores as stable as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/data/* Install into the following directory structure: /dojox/data/ ...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout. /dojox/data/* Require in the dojox.data stores you wish to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Notes: dojox.data.AtomReadStore - Reads Atom XML documents. dojox.data.CvsStore - comma-separated (spreadsheet output) datastore implementation dojox.data.FlickrRestStore - advanced version of: dojox.data.FlickrStore (Caching + user key support) dojox.data.FlickrStore - data store driven by Flickr.com public API. dojox.data.HtmlTableStore - Implementation of an HTML Table reading datastore dojox.data.HtmlStore - Implementation of an HTML reading datastore. Can handle tables, ordered and un-ordered lists, and lists of divs. dojox.data.OpmlStore - Store for reading OMPL formatted data dojox.data.XmlStore - datastore for XML based services or documents. dojox.data.QueryReadStore - datastore to provide serverside URL query matching. Similar to the 0.4.X ComboBox dataUrl parameter. dojox.data.jsonPathStore - datastore that takes an arbitrary js object and uses it as the store. Pre-Alpha at the moment. dojox.data.KeyValueStore - datastore that mimics a key/value property file format. dojox.data.SnapLogicStore - Store to interface to SnapLogic data services. dojox.data.JsonRestStore - Store to interface with RESTful HTTP/JSON web services. dojox.data.PersevereStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for Persevere dojox.data.CouchDBRestStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for CouchDB dojox.data.S3JsonRestStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for Amazon S3 dojox.data.GoogleSearchStore - Store to interface Google's AJAX search services. There are many subclasses of this store for particular types of searches: dojox.data.GoogleWebSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleBlogSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleLocalSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleVideoSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleNewsSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleBookSearchStore dojox.data.GoogleImageSearchStore dojox.data.AndOrReadStore - Demonstrating a more complex query format allowing AND/OR. Based directly on dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore. dojox.data.AndOrWriteStore - Demonstrating a more complex query format allowing AND/OR. Based directly on dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore. dojox.data.FileStore - A lazy-loading store designed for searching filesystems with a provided PHP back end. Implements dojo.data.api.Read and dojo.data.api.Identity dojox.data.CssRuleStore - A store that allows searching/querying over Css rules loaded in the page in the browser. dojox.data.CssClassStore - A store that allows searching/querying over what classes are defined in the page in the browser.