------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dojox.fx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 Release date: 10/31/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: experimental ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Peter Higgins (dante) Jonathan Bond-Caron (jbondc@gmail.com) Shane O'Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com) Bryan Forbes (bforbes) Nicola Rizzo (nic) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description dojox.fx provides a class of animation effects to use, and other animation and Effects additions to dojo base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: dojox.fx requires dojo (core) and the dojo.fx package dojox.fx.easing requires only dojo core. dojox.fx.flip requires dojo.fx dojox.fx.scroll requires dojox.fx._core and dojo.fx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation existing API surface: dojox.fx._base: - dojox.fx.crossFade - crossfade two nodes easily - dojox.fx.sizeTo - size a node about it's center to a new width/height - dojox.fx.slideBy - slide a node by a t,l offset - dojox.fx.highlight - animates the background color of a node, and returns it to the color it was. (all use standard _Animation properties, like duration, easing, node, etc) dojox.fx._core: - dojox.fx._Line - a multi-dimensional _Line implementation, backwards compatible with dojo._Line ... you might could safely do something akin to dojo._Line.prototype = dojox.fx._Line.prototype; and enable this for all dojo _Animations? dojox.fx.style: - experimental CSS animation via class definitions - dojox.fx.addClass - animate the effects of applying a class to a node - dojox.fx.removeClass - " " " " removing a class from a node - dojox.fx.toggleClass - wrapper for addClass/removeClass dojox.fx.ext-dojo.NodeList - extensions to dojo.NodeList-fx wrapping the relevant dojox.fx animations into dojo.NodeList dojox.fx.Shadow - Class to add drop shadows to a node dojox.fx.flip - a Module providing pseudo-3d flip animations for nodes. Currently experimental. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/dojox/trunk/fx.js http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/dojox/trunk/fx/* Install into the following directory structure: /dojox/fx/ ...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------