Cloud Explorer -------------- Cloud Explorer is written as a demonstration of the Simple Cloud API as implemented in Zend Framework (Zend_Cloud component). It provides the ability: * to browse collections within a document storage, and to add and delete documents from collections * to create queues, and to send and receive messages from queues * to upload and retrieve files to and from a storage service To try it out: * You will either need Zend Framework on your include_path, or you will need to symlink it into the library/ subdirectory. * You will need to create a virtual host pointing at the public/ subdirectory as the DocumentRoot. * You will need to copy application/configs/application.ini.dist to application/configs/application.ini, and edit it to point at the appropriate services, and to provide the appropriate credentials for those services. Once you have accomplished the above, simply fire up a browser and point it to your virtual host.