Active Calendar Class Changelog

version 1.0.5
Date:31 Jul 2005
Focus: Minor feature enhancements
Changes: The public method showMonth() has been modified. The class can now optionally generate and display the calendar days, that do not belong to the current month.

version 1.0.4
Date:2 Mar 2005
Focus: Minor feature enhancements
Changes: The class now supports different GMT zones and not only the server local time for the current date calculation. The method setEventContent() has been also modified to optionally create a different HTML class name (layout) for each event content.

version 1.0.3
Date:25 Feb 2005
Focus: Minor bugfixes
Changes: A bug that prevented the generation of multiple event contents with the same content URL on the same date was fixed.

version 1.0.2
Date:15 Feb 2005
Focus: Minor bugfixes
Changes: A bug that generated a warning when setting an event without a link on Windows servers was fixed.

version 1.0.1
Date:30 Jan 2005
Focus: Minor feature enhancements
Changes: The class can now accept different url's for the day and navigation links. A new example script has been added to demonstrate how to set events using an XML file.

version 1.0
Date:20 Jan 2005
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: A new public method setEventContent() has been added. The class can now display contents within the day passed by the method. The methods enableMonthNav() and enableYearNav() have been modified to optionally set the calendar navigation controls. The method enableDatePicker() has been also modified to optionally set the value of the generated submit button. The method showYear() accepts now a parameter to set the number of months in each row of the year calendar. The generated HTML class names (CSS layout) can be set in the configuration, to avoid conficts with existing names of your projects. Finally, a new example script has been added to demonstrate how to set events using a flat file.

version 0.9.2
Date:11 Jan 2005
Focus: Minor feature enhancements
Changes: Two new public methods have been added. The method setMonthNames() will generate different names for the calendar months and the method setDayNames() will generate different names for the calendar week days, than the ones set in the configuration.

version 0.9.1
Date:09 Dec 2004
Focus: Minor bugfixes
Changes: A bug that prevented the generated HTML code from being 100% XHTML valid was fixed.

version 0.9
Date:20 Nov 2004
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: This release optionally supports the ADOdb Date Library and can generate calendars from 100 A.D. to 3000 A.D. and later. The class supports more complex URLs and the structure of all generated links (day and navigation) can be modified in a single internal method, mkUrl().

version 0.8.3
Date:06 Nov 2004
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: The method enableDayLinks(), which generates linkable calendar dates, has been modified. The class can now optionally create day links which call a Javascript function, set by enableDayLinks(), instead of page URLs. An example script has been added in the package and the documentation files have been updated.

version 0.8.2
Date:31 Oct 2004
Focus: Minor feature enhancements
Changes: The method setEvent(), which generates event dates, has been modified. The class can now create a different link on each date, set by setEvent().

version 0.8.1
Date:25 Oct 2004
Focus: Documentation
Changes: A new example script was added in this version, to demonstrate how event dates could be generated in the Active Calendar (CSS layout), using records from a MySQL database.

version 0.8
Date:19 Oct 2004
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: A new method setEvent() has been added to support "calendar events". The class can now create a different HTML class on each date set by the method setEvent(), so that the layout of each "event date" can be configured using CSS. Some additional code cleanup has been made, and the size of the class has been reduced.

version 0.7.3
Date:14 Oct 2004
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: The class now can optionally create HTML classes on each Sunday and/or Saturday (CSS layout configuration). The number of months in each row in the yearview can be defined, so that an 1 to 12 column year calendar can be generated. A year picker can be generated in the yearview, and the month navigation controls will be displayed only in the monthview.

version 0.7.2
Date:11 Oct 2004
Focus: Code cleanup
Changes: The class now generates HTML tags classes instead of ids for the layout configuration (valid HTML). Some code cleanups to reduce the size of the class have been made.

version 0.7.1
Date:08 Oct 2004
Focus: Major feature enhancements
Changes: A new function to generate a date picker control has been added. The internal structure of the class has been totally updated.

version 0.6.3
Date:05 Oct 2004
Focus: Major bugfixes
Changes: A bug has been fixed: the "today" HTML tag id will not be generated twice.

version 0.6.2
Date:29 Sep 2004
Focus: Documentation
Changes: A greek documentation file has been added.

version 0.6.1
Date:24 Sep 2004
Focus: Documentation
Changes: A german documentation file has been added.

version 0.6
Date:19 Sep 2004
Focus: Initial stable version

(c) 2004 - 2005 Giorgos Tsiledakis, Crete Greece