Active Calendar Class v1.0.5 Documentation

The source code included in this package is free. You can modify or pass it on under the conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, published by the Free Software Foundation.
I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Please visit the Active Calendar Website to get the latest version of this library or to contact me.


About Active Calendar Class

Active Calendar is PHP Class, that generates calendars (month or year view) as a HTML Table (XHTML-Valid).

Active Calendar is based on the PHP native date functions (default) and supports optionally the ADOdb Date Library.

How to use the Active Calendar Class

Class methods overview:

Code Examples:

Calendar layout:

Quick installation

1. Edit the configuration section in Active Calendar Class file activecalendar.php, if you want to change the default configuration.

2. Upload the Active Calendar Class file activecalendar.php on your server and include it in your scripts.

(c) Giorgos Tsiledakis, Crete Greece