Welcome to Zend Framework 1.5! This is the first production release of the Zend Framework 1.5 series. This release maintains backwards compatibility with the Zend Framework 1.0 series and has been rigorously tested with many applications written for 1.0. HOWEVER, PLEASE READ ALL SPECIAL NOTICES FOR UPGRADING IN THIS README *BEFORE* UPGRADING EXISTING APPLICATIONS TO ZF 1.5. RELEASE INFORMATION --------------- Zend Framework 1.5.0 (revision ). Released on 2008-03-17. SPECIAL NOTICES FOR UPGRADING TO ZF 1.5 --------------------------------------- * If you are upgrading from a 1.0 ZF release to a 1.5 ZF release and you are using Zend_Search_Lucene, you should be aware that Zend_Search_Lucene now works exclusively with Apache Lucene 2.1 index file format. Conversion from the previous format (1.9) is performed automatically during the first index update after the ZF 1.5 release is installed. *THIS CONVERSION CANNOT BE UNDONE*. Please backup your Lucene index if you plan to rollback to 1.0 versions of Zend Framework and wish to continue using this index. * Some developers have relied on undocumented and unintended behavior of Zend_Controller in 1.0 ZF releases that allowed resolution from camelCased URLs to controller actions. This unintended behavior, however, causes indeterminate results later in the request dispatching process. For this reason, we have chosen to enforce our documented recommendations. URLs now require word separator characters when resolving to camelCased action methods. For more information, please see: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.migration.html NEW FEATURES ------------ * New Zend_Form component with support for AJAX-enabled form elements * New action and view helpers for automating and facilitating AJAX requests and alternate response formats * LDAP, Infocard, and OpenID authentication adapters * Support for complex Lucene searches, including fuzzy, date-range, and wildcard queries * Support for Lucene 2.1 index file format * Partial, Placeholder, Action, and Header view helpers for advanced view composition and rendering * New Zend_Layout component for automating and facilitating site layouts * UTF-8 support for PDF documents ENHANCEMENTS AND BUGFIXES ------------------------- * Zend_Json has been augmented to convert from XML to JSON format * New Zend_TimeSync component supporting the Network Time Protocol (NTP) * Improved performance of Zend_Translate with new caching option * addRoute(), addRoutes(), addConfig(), removeRoute(), removeDefaultRoutes() methods of Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite now support method chaining * Yahoo web service supports Yahoo! Site Explorer and video searches * Database adapter for Firebird/Interbase * Query modifiers for fetch and find methods in Zend_Db_Table * 'init' hook to modify initialization behaviour in subclasses Zend_Db_Table, Rowset, and Row * Support for HTTP CONNECT requests in Zend_Http_Client * Support for PHP's hash() for read/write control in Zend_Cache * Zend_Cache_Backend_File may be configured to call ignore_user_abort() to maintain cache data integrity * Timezone in Zend_Date may be set by locale * Zend_Cache can now use custom frontend and backend classes A detailed list of all features and bug fixes in this release may be found at: http://framework.zend.com/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10661 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- Zend Framework requires PHP 5.1.4 or later. Please see our reference guide for more detailed system requirements: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/requirements.html INSTALLATION ------------ Please see /INSTALL.txt. QUESTIONS AND FEEDBACK ---------------------- Online documentation can be found at http://framework.zend.com/manual. Questions that are not addressed in the manual should be directed to the appropriate mailing list: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/x/GgE#ContributingtoZendFramework- Subscribetotheappropriatemailinglists If you find code in this release behaving in an unexpected manner or contrary to its documented behavior, please create an issue in the Zend Framework issue tracker at: http://framework.zend.com/issues If you would like to be notified of new releases- including maintenance releases for Zend Framework 1.5- you can subscribe to the fw-announce mailing list by sending a blank message to fw-announce-subscribe@lists.zend.com. LICENSE ------- The files in this archive are released under the Zend Framework license. You can find a copy of this license in /LICENSE.txt. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- The Zend Framework team would like to thank all the contributors to the Zend Framework project, our corporate sponsor (Zend Technologies), and you- the Zend Framework user. Please visit us sometime soon at http://framework.zend.com!