General information on the Secondary modern school in Bavaria

What is the Bavarian “Secondary modern school” (Realschule)?

Since September 2003 the “Secondary modern school” with its 6 Classes is the regular school in Bavaria .

It comprises the classes 5 to 10.

The vocational offer of the “Secondary modern school” is addressed to young people, who are interested in theoretical questions and in the same time have practical abilities and dispositions. The Bavarian “Secondary modern school” offers three different educational branches, the so called mandatory subject groups. These groups forge different vocational focuses.

Where is the vocational focuss in the mandatory subject groups?

In order to prepare the pupils for their career, the pupils can choose between three mandatory subject groups:

Mandatory subject group I

Its work focuses on mathematical, scientific, technical field with emphasis on the subjects Maths and Physics. Either the subject technical drawing (CAD) or informatics is added. This mandatory subject group is addressed especially to those pupils who are aiming at a career in the technology branch.

Mandatory subject group II

Its work focuses on economic studies. The subjects business administration, accountancy, economics and law, as well as word processing and shorthand are taught. This mandatory subject group is addressed especially to those pupils who are aiming at a career in the economy or administration.

Mandatory subject group III

This group comprises the groups IIa and IIIb. In the mandatory subject group IIa the focuss is on French as a second foreign language.

Depending on the offer and possibility of each single “Secondary modern school”, the focuss in the mandatory subject group IIIb can be on music – arts, on Home economics or on social science.

Trying out new ideas

At the moment a school experiment in informationtechnology is taking place. This subject comprises the subjects information science, word processing and technical drawing and is taught from class 7 upwards. The subject informationtechnology (IT in abbreviated form) cannot be taught in all schools yet.

How is the degree achieved

At the end of the 10 th class a final exam is written. The tests are provided by the Bavarian Ministry for Education for all schools in Bavaria alike. The pupils who pass their final exam receive a certificate for the GCSE (Realschulabschluss).








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