Projekte des MB-Teams im Aufsichtsbezirk -


Integration von Kindern im Unterricht, die sozial ausgeschlossen sind oder die von eingewanderten Arbeitskräften abstammen.
Ein Sokrates-Comenius 2.1-Projekt zur Lehrerfortbildung des Ministerialbeauftragten für die Realschulen in Oberbayern-Nord. Projektkoordinator ist Roland Schneidt (
Das Projekt wurde im Oktober 2005 von der Europäischen Kommission genehmigt und ist mit fast 300.000 EUR für alle Aktivitäten in den vier beteiligten Ländern bis 2008 ausgestattet.


INtegratioN of sOcially excluded and migrant workers' Children into Education, through iNTercultural competence
The main objective of the project is to develop a training course for teachers under the theme: INNOCENT - integration of socially excluded and migrant workers' children into education, through intercultural competence.
Realizing this objective the aim of the partnership is to raise intercultural competence of teachers in their initial training and/or in service:
- to manage intercultural conflicts at school,
- to eliminate prejudices and create a multicultural spirit amongst teachers,
- to propose and disseminate pedagogic strategies and methodologies to help integration,
- to encourage mobility of teachers through the inclusion in the Comenius Catalogue.
The target groups are European teachers either in their initial training or in service.
The main activities and expected outputs are:
- A teachers training course (32 hours) will be made up of four macro-modules. Each country develops one macro-module independently, proposing innovative methodologies, pedagogic strategies and teaching materials. The same training course will be held in all four countries.
- Experimentation and assessment of the training course.
- Everything will be published in a book and as a CD-ROM with materials for the teachers
- At the end of the experimental and assessment phase the Innocent-team will produce a multimedia product, a computer based training course in several languages together with a CBT- company. This will provide internet-based learning, thus disseminating the course to a large number of teachers.